Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hear The Music!

The Music Jam is here again! So whether you like to listen to music, or be the musician, there's something for everyone! It doesn't even matter if your a non-member, just go up on stage and sing your heart out! If you're the more free-style type, go to DJ3K! It has a whole new look and if you're a member you can record and save your music! Have fun at Music Jam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ask Aunt Alex!

"Ask Aunt Alex" is like Ask Aunt Arctic except for this site! All you have to do is comment your question and I will pick one every week to answer!


Your question needs to be about Club Penguin
uh, I guess that's it! It should be easy with only one guideline to follow!

Can't wait for your questions and hope I can answer them!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Things to Do if You are a Non-Member.

When your membership runs out do you just stop playing Club Penguin? Well, here's some things you can still do on Club Penguin that you might not have thought of:
1. Earn lots and lots of coins! It's good to earn lots of coins so when you do get a membership you will have plenty of coins!
2. Have a site like this one! Be a reporter! I must confess my membership just ran out last week! But that doesn't stop me from helping penguins! I don't care if you base one of your posts off of mine! Seriously, how would penguins live with just one site that can help them so start your own! You can write about the latest party, catalog, cheat, glitch, something awesome, or just some friendly advice to penguins! Any penguin will benefit off it!
3. Host a non-member party! Anyone feels bad when a member shouts, "MEMBERS ONLY PARTY AT MY IGLOO!" Well now you can make the tables turn its time for you to shout, "NON-MEMBERS ONLY PARTY AT MY IGLOO!" Then get there and PARTAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you non-members now know what to do on Club Penguin! Check back for more!
PS: If I think of and more things to do I'll post right away!
WADDLE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Club Penguin Mystery!

If you haven't noticed, there are some targets set up in the forest and cove.


Don't be fooled by the castle opening at the ski village(The black one not the pink)! It's really a super awesome entrance to the Ski Hill! OUTSIDE:
Awesome isn't it?
Have a good time at the medieval party!

Get Your Wizard Face on!

If your not into the royalty, dragon, or knight thing, try a wizard hat on for size! Even if your a non-member there's a wizard hat in the Wizard Tower..........I mean the lighthouse. The bottom floor is a great place to study magic, mix potions, and write down formulas! The top floor is best, whatever you wizards do with a bonfire, and riding the Wizard's Flying Machine. I hope now you wizards don't feel left out!


There has been a rumer about dragons being seen! Not regular dragons like in the quest, but terrible purple dragons! We need to track down these purple dragons! Please, comment if you spot a purple dragon ANYWHERE! Comment the server, place, and try to follow it to see where it goes, but be careful!
We can find these dragons if we work together!